The Massey name is not just a family, it’s a legacy!

Our Heritage

For six generations, the Massey family has been harvesting wild-caught fish from the cold, clear waters of the Straits of Mackinac. Our fathers before us were drawn to the abundance of the Great Lakes and humbly sold their daily catches to local area packing houses, most of which shipped direct to Detroit, Chicago, and New York City. That tradition has continued through the decades, and our commitment to deliver the highest quality fish has never wavered.

How far we've come

In the early 1980’s, we began to further process some of our catch, providing local restaurants with fresh and frozen fillets. Soon after, we took part in a Fishermen’s Cooperative and started to swim with the bigger processors and distributors throughout the country. These experiences helped us to hone our skills and delevop a premium process that guarantees the highest quality products. We handle our daily catch with the utmost care, processing quickly and efficiently to ensure that every product maintains superior taste and texture.

Where we're going

Over the years, Massey Fish Co has branched out into a variety of markets locally, nationally, and internationally. Most recently, we have seen the need to offer our fresh fish to those looking to eat more wholesome, natural foods grown locally. Research is proving that nutrients in fish support and promote optimal health. Our goal is to ensure that even those who live inland have access to fresh, wild-caught fish so that they can enhance the quality of their diets and improve their overall health. Our exceptional fresh, frozen, and smoked products can be purchased from our authorized distributors at select Farm Market locations throughout Michigan.